Published on July 14, 2004 By C H Wood In Welcome
Well, tommorrow I go off into the wild blue yonder. The flight leaves in the afternoon. I am all packed and ready to go. Chris will pick me up at the airport on Friday at 9:00 pm their time. Thankfully, we will be staying in a hotel that is located near the airport for the night. I am so looking forward to cuddling up next to my husband after a stressful week apart.

Packing was an adventure this week. You know how you normally go through the process of packing and pulling out the non nessessities to make the suit case lighter. Try to exponentiate that scale and pack for a year of varying weather. Needless to say, I had to prevent myself from thinning to some degree because weeding out may cost you six months from now on that cold winter day when all you really want is a warm sweater and a pair of long johns that six months ago you thought was too bulky.

Add to this adventure the emotional termoil of trying to visit everyone before you go, and wrapping up any possible loose end including registering for absentee ballots, making wills, mailing paperwork, teaching people how to function in your former rolls and trying to find the things that your husband didn't have time to wrap up before he left and you have my life in a nut shell. On top of that add in the adventure that I tend to be an insomniac duirng times of trips and am functioning on three hours of sleep today. Oh i knpw what your thinking, You can say it, Yep, I am a girl who knows how to have a good time.

Anyways the flight is finally here and the reality is at the door. We are moving. The dog seems to be connecting well with Norm and that makes me feel better. it's a beautiful night and hopefully I will get a good night sleep because I will be on sensory overload tommorrow as I navigate through the air travel on my own.

take care all,


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